My research field is
French Architecture.
Source One: Book with Single Author
Besset, M. (1967). New French Architecture. New York,
United States of America: Frederick A.Praeger.
One of New French Architecture’s main focus
points is that in France, several factors have been aggravating the issue of
liberal architecture finding its place in the industrial world. It is
considered that the up and coming architects in France are ill-equipped due to
inadequate training.
Source Two: Journal
Bony, J. (1949). French Influences
on the Origins of English Gothic Architecture. Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes,
12, 1-15.
The first appearance of Gothic architecture in
England is a classic example of the prcess of influence. The French origin of
Gothic as a new architectural style is undisputed; the spreading of French
characteristics during the second half of the twelfth century can be followed
very closely in many buildings in many parts of England. This journal takes a
closer look at the specific features behind this theory.
Source Three: Edited
C.V., Bussels, S. (Ed.). (2011). Theatricality
in early modern art and architecture. Chichester, West Sussex ; Malden, MA
: Wiley-Blackwell.
Theatricality in Early Modern Art and
Architecture gives an investigation of trades between art, architecture and
theatre in France. The authors produce new instances of the interaction between
the arts, providing a theoretical and historiographical context for these
Four: Website
French architecture and monuments. (2010). Retrieved from
This website is primarily a gallery of photos of
French architecture and monuments but also offers information on living in,
working around, and visiting France’s unique landscape and architecture.
Five: Image